Increase cache size in Kodi Krypton(V17) for faster and smooth playback

When you are streaming videos from a network device to Kodi, you may feel some slowness, stuttering, buffering or complete interrupts in your video. This is not enjoyable at all. In Kodi Jarvis(V16) you were able to change the cache, but in the new version the tags have changed!

Create the file “advancedsettings.xml” in the userdata directory of Kodi. Depending on what system you are using, find the location below:

Operative system File path
Android Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata
iOS /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/Kodi/userdata/
Linux ~/.kodi/userdata/
Mac /Users/<your_user_name>/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/
LibreELEC/OpenELEC /storage/.kodi/userdata/
Windows  %APPDATA%\kodi\userdata

Using the following code in the advancedsettings.xml file, your Kodi will buffer the data into your ram and speed up buffering in general. Note that you need 3 times the amount of available ram as is defined in “memorysize”(in bytes). For the example below you would need around 400Mb of free ram.

Happy watching!

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2 Responses

  1. fornax says:

    can i do that on a steam link?
    how can i access the files do edit them?

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