Running Hass.IO & Hass OS on VMWare ESXI 7.0
Having had some issues properly running Hass OS on ESXI, I decided to create this short guide! It’s important to convert the VMDK to one that can be used for snapshotting and other ESXI...
DIY Coding, building, Hacking
Having had some issues properly running Hass OS on ESXI, I decided to create this short guide! It’s important to convert the VMDK to one that can be used for snapshotting and other ESXI...
Ever wondered whether you should purchase an Ikea TRÅDFRI or a plain old Sonoff? They both have their advantages and disadvantages. For example; Sonoff devices always had the name to be cheap, but how...
So you have Home Assistant running al good in your local network, but no way of accessing it remote. You of course have a few different options, but the combination of hurdles you have...
Blog / Code Examples / DIY / HomeAssistant
by Triplus · Published 21/10/2018 · Last modified 19/03/2020
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? While the updates may have been slacking, I sure haven’t slacked in the “home-automation departement”. Home Assistant is still my go-to when I want to start automating anything!...
Recently I felt the need for a HomeAssistant component which would allow me to track all my parcels I am expecting. As with all DIY people out there this list can get lengthy. I...
Recently I went to the Ikea and finally I saw the RGB Tradfri LED. I knew it existed, but until now I have never seen it (Belgium may be a little late on the...
This is just a quick showcase of my Tradfri unboxing and usage. I also integrate it with homeassistant making it a very good and cheap smart lighting solution!
Running AVS on a Raspberry Pi zero doesn’t work out of the box. The reason is that the installation script provides no output via USB is because this is not available in the script....
NOTE: These instructions were made for Raspberry Pi 3. From my experience these will not work on a Raspberry Pi that does not have ARM7. Have you always wanted your own NAS, but don’t...
When you are streaming videos from a network device to Kodi, you may feel some slowness, stuttering, buffering or complete interrupts in your video. This is not enjoyable at all. In Kodi Jarvis(V16) you...